Why is the Coaching COMPASS a Revolutionary tool that can transform the coaching profession?
Most coaches are evaluated on their win-loss record and exit interviews of student athletes. What if there was a better way to foster healthy constructive feedback, communication, growth and success? What if we had a clear, intentional way to Coach our Coaches? Wouldn’t everyone benefit if our coaches were trained professionals and felt supported?
We believe coaches are looking for the tools they need to be excellent.
They are looking for self-awareness, skills and a community to share ideas and to give and receive support.
We know that if we can give coaches the skill sets they need, teach them to be deliberate and reflective in their process, and help them grow and feel a greater sense of well-being in their job, this has a positive DIRECT IMPACT on the student athletes they coach every day!
The Coaching COMPASS creates a way to “bridge the gap” that sometimes exists between athletic directors and coaches.
How It Works
Step 1: Assess
Each coach fills out a Coaching COMPASS as a self-assessment and asks their staff, team and their direct supervisor to assess them as well.
Step 2: Plan
From the COMPASS results we develop an “Individual Growth Plan”. With the help of a True North Sports coordinator, we will work together to set goals for your growth over the next year.
We also use the compass results to develop a curriculum for all the coaches on your staff or in your department.
Step 3: Practice
Each coach working with the COMPASS will have access to our True North Sports COMPASS membership site. On this site there will be resources listed by the below 7 categories. This is the main resource we will use to help coaches work on their performance goals over the course of the year along with the personal 1 on 1 coaching.
Step 4: Reflect
Throughout the year, we will reflect on growth. Always improving, always growing!
The COMPASS assesses the following seven areas and is a holistic approach to growth:
1) C = Communication
2) O = Organization, Management, Leadership
3) M = Moral and Character Skills
4) P = Professionalism
5) A = Associations and Relationships
6) S = Sport IQ
7) S = Self-Awareness
Service Options
The Coaching COMPASS is an ongoing growth process that can be used for an individual coach, a group or sport staff and it can also be used with all the coaches in your athletics department.
The Coaching COMPASS Program can be customized to your individual or department needs.
Service options include:
- A 360 assessment
- An Individualized Growth Development Plan tied to “COMPASS Indicators”
- Personal feedback on how to implement their growth plan
- 24 hour access to COMPASS membership site and resources
- Fostered and research-driven mentor relationships
- Access to a professional coaching community
- Monthly personal support
- Monthly coaching support through “live” webinars
- 4-5 in-person trainings with a TNS coordinator for your entire staff